Overengineered Irrigation

Overengineered Irrigation V: Capacitive Sensors and The Winter

Let's add some pumps to transfer water into plant pots! This will require mostly a lot of woodworking and electrical routing. Lots of pictures this time!


Overengineered Irrigation IV: Pumping water

Let's add some pumps to transfer water into plant pots! This will require mostly a lot of woodworking and electrical routing. Lots of pictures this time!


Overengineered Irrigation III: Moisture Sensors

In order to ensure that each plant gets the right amount of water, we need to measure the moisture contents of the soil quite accurately. The easiest way to do that is to measure the voltage between two electrodes in the soil.


Overengineered Irrigation II: Relays

Some new parts arrived today (specifically 10kΩ resistors), and it's time to connect the relay module with the controller circuit!
